Municipality of Ravenna


Municipality of Ravenna


Ravenna with about 160.000 is an art city located in Northern Italy (Emilia-Romagna Region), by the Adriatic Sea. The Municipality manages pre-schools, and is active in developing educational projects with primary and secondary schools, by research and development of innovative educational paths in many fields.

With a team of educational staff and pedagogists the Municipality fosters the develoment of education through gaming, outdoor education, and special projects in collaboration with Universities and NGOs.

The Municipality has a vast experience in European cooperation and exchanges, with over 12 projects managed in the 2014-20 programming period.

The Muncipality of Ravenna took part as partner to 2 Erasmus+ K2 projects for pre-school gender education (Colourful Children) and innovative training on Environmental management systems (SYAT), and as associated partner to Erasmus+ TALE project for improving public libraries staff competences.

More recently we have received a positive communication for the Erasmus+ K1 accreditation for mobility of 0-6 education services staff and teachers’ mobility and with opportunity many of our teachers and pedagogical coordinators will have the opportunity to increase their skills and competences in a European dimension.

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